
Sunday, July 11, 2010

BROKEN: No One Could “Like” Anything on Facebook

For about an hour, Facebook’s Like feature wasn’t working at all, either on-site or off. Many websites depend on likes for incoming traffic, so outages like that can be big problems for a lot of people. Facebook moved very quickly to correct the problem.
When the error occurred, anyone who liked something using the “Like” button on a website didn’t see it register on his or her Facebook profile, and they couldn’t even like status updates in their news feeds. Attempts to like news feed updates, photos or other Facebook-hosted content were met with the above database connection error.

An outage like this happened about a month ago, but it was a different error.
Facebook didn’t release a statement about the problem tonight; it just fixed it in just under an hour. In the meantime, people were bugging out about it in their Twitter and Facebook updates. We grabbed the below image from a Twitter search for “Facebook can’t like.”
Did you notice the outage? Were you satisfied with the speed of Facebook’s response? Let us know in the comments.
[Thanks Matt]

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